May 30th, 2024 • Buildable News & Resources

Last week we discussed the basic building blocks for an ideal software development team. Today, in this second blog of our four-part series, we’d like to take a closer look at the inner workings of this team. 

A Well-Rounded Team Inspires Inclusivity & Innovation 

A well-rounded software development team can offer a wide array of perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. Team diversity fosters creativity, encourages out-of-the box thinking, and leads to the development of more inclusive and user-friendly software. Ultimately a well-balanced team enhances the ability to deliver high quality solutions that resonate with a diverse customer base.  

Methods to achieve this well-roundedness include:  

  • Implementing diverse hiring practices to attract candidates with varied backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. 
  • Providing opportunities for cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members. 
  • Encouraging continuous learning and professional development to broaden skill sets and expand expertise. 
  • Establishing mentorship programs to support the growth and development of junior team members. 
  • Creating a culture of inclusivity and psychological safety where all team members feel valued and respected. 
  • Embracing agile methodologies and flexible work arrangements to adapt to changing project needs and to foster innovation. 
  • Leveraging diverse perspectives to conduct thorough user research and testing, ensuring software products meet the needs of a diverse customer base. 
  • Encouraging constructive feedback and open communication to facilitate idea generation and problem-solving. 
  • Recognizing and celebrating the unique contributions of each team member to foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the team. 


Extending diversity to the leadership team ensures that different perspectives are considered in decision-making processes and has been shown to increase the level of innovation. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed employees at more than 1,700 companies in eight countries, across a variety of industries and company sizes to better understand the perceptions of diversity at the management level. They considered employees of varying genders, ages, nations of origin, career paths, industry backgrounds, and education. In this study they found a strong correlation between the level of diversity in management and the level of innovation found within the team. They report, “Companies that reported above-average diversity on their management teams also reported innovation revenue that was 19 percentage points higher than that of companies with below-average leadership diversity—45% of total revenue versus just 26%.” 

Being Adaptable to New Technologies is Essential 

The team that is willing to adapt to new technologies and embrace change will have a dramatic upper hand over those that are not. Staying ahead of the game by being aware of new technologies and incorporating technology (when it’s relevant) into a team’s infrastructure allows for a gradual and consistent advancement. By adapting to new technology in this way, a team stays consistently prepared and up to date, thereby eliminating the need for sudden or expensive technological overhauls. 

A software development team that stays educated on new technologies will provide valuable insights to customers. By staying abreast of the latest advancements, team members will be able to respond intelligently to customer inquiries, address concerns, and offer tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. This level of expertise not only instills confidence in customers but also fosters trust and long-term relationships.  

Staying on top of new relevant technology and adapting to technological changes can be achieved successfully in a number of ways, including: 

  • allowing time for team members to follow tech news; 
  • encouraging/providing skills training and co-programming sessions; 
  • trying out new technologies 
  • contributing to open-source projects; 
  • and attending tech conferences and workshops. 

Conversely, it’s important to embrace new technologies cautiously. While it's essential to stay abreast of emerging technologies and adapt to changes in the tech landscape, hasty adoption without thorough evaluation can lead to inefficiencies and compatibility issues within the team's infrastructure.  

Additionally, maintaining consistency and loyalty in technology choices ensures stability and coherence in development processes, minimizes disruptions, and facilitates seamless collaboration among team members. Having a balanced approach to technology adoption allows teams to harness the benefits of innovation while mitigating risks and ensuring long-term sustainability in their development practices. 

Using Tools to Enhance Communication, Collaboration, & Teamwork 

By prioritizing communication, collaboration, and teamwork software development teams will harness the collective intelligence of their members to deliver innovative solutions that meet or exceed expectations. Communication and collaboration foster knowledge sharing, where team members leverage each other's expertise and learn from one another, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Additionally, a strong sense of teamwork promotes accountability and a shared sense of ownership over the project, ensuring that deadlines are met and objectives are achieved.  

There are a large variety of tools available for software developers to enhance communication, collaboration, and teamwork. These tools offer many benefits to software developers and teams, ranging from streamlined communication and efficient collaboration to enhanced project management and productivity.  

By leveraging platforms like SlackMicrosoft Teams, or Zoom, teams can facilitate real-time communication and foster a sense of camaraderie, even in remote work environments.  

Project management tools such as JiraTrello, or Asana enable teams to organize tasks, track progress, and allocate resources effectively, ensuring projects stay on track and deadlines are met.  

Additionally, version control platforms like GitHubGitLab, and Bitbucket provide a centralized repository for code collaboration, enabling seamless integration and version tracking.  

Collaboration platforms such as Google DocsMicrosoft 365, and Notion allow team members to collaborate on documents and share ideas in real-time, fostering creativity and innovation.  

Moreover, visualization tools like Miro and Lucidchart facilitate brainstorming sessions, design discussions, and visual planning, enhancing team collaboration and decision-making processes.  

To most effectively use these tools, we should consider the following strategies.   

  • Instilling uniformity: Encourage team members to consistently use the same set of tools. Uniformity fosters familiarity and efficiency, reducing confusion, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. 
  • Making regular updates: Schedule regular updates or check-ins to review tool usage, address any challenges or concerns, and share best practices. These updates help reinforce the importance of using the tools effectively and provide opportunities for feedback and improvement. 
  • Providing continuous training: Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize the utility of the tools. This includes offering workshops, tutorials, or access to resources to help team members enhance their proficiency and discover new functionalities. 
  • Leading by example: Managers or team leaders should lead by example by actively using and advocating for the tools themselves. Demonstrating their commitment to the tools reinforces their importance and encourages team members to follow suit. 


Quality Assurance Through Accountability 

Quality assurance in software development is achieved through accountability by fostering a culture where every team member takes ownership of their work and is responsible for ensuring the quality of the final product. This entails setting clear expectations, defining quality standards, and establishing processes for peer reviews, code inspections, and software testing.  

By holding each team member accountable for the quality of their contributions, possible errors or potential improvements are discovered early in the development lifecycle. Additionally, promoting open communication, providing constructive feedback, and encouraging continuous improvement further reinforces accountability and drives a collective commitment to delivering high-quality software that meets user needs and exceeds expectations. 

Here at Buildable quality assurance is not viewed as an afterthought, but rather is an integral part of the development process. Being accountable means more than being responsible for the final product; being accountable means:  

  • Meeting Deadlines: Completing assigned tasks and projects within the agreed-upon timeframe. 
  • Taking Ownership: Assuming responsibility for one's work and the outcomes of projects, regardless of success or failure. 
  • Communicating Effectively: Providing regular updates on progress, challenges, and potential roadblocks to relevant stakeholders. 
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring that work is done to high standards and meets established quality criteria, including code reviews, testing, and documentation. 
  • Problem-Solving: Proactively identifying and addressing issues as they arise, rather than waiting for someone else to solve them. 
  • Collaboration: Working effectively with team members and other stakeholders to achieve common goals and objectives. 
  • Learning and Growth: Continuously seeking opportunities to improve skills, expand knowledge, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices. 
  • Accountability for Mistakes: Acknowledging and learning from mistakes, taking steps to prevent recurrence, and being transparent about corrective actions taken. 
  • Adhering to Company Policies and Procedures: Following established guidelines, processes, and protocols related to work responsibilities, ethics, and compliance. 
  • Accepting Feedback: Receiving feedback from peers, managers, and stakeholders with an open mind, and using it constructively to improve performance and outcomes. 
  • Ethical Behavior: Acting with integrity, honesty, and professionalism in all interactions and decisions. 
  • Supporting Team Goals: Aligning individual efforts with team objectives and contributing positively to the overall success of the team and organization. 


An Emotionally Stable, Happy Team is the Most Productive 

When team members feel content and emotionally balanced, they are more likely to approach their work with enthusiasm, creativity, and focus. Positive emotions foster a conducive atmosphere for collaboration, idea-sharing, and problem-solving, leading to smoother project workflows and more effective decision-making processes. Moreover, a sense of well-being reduces the likelihood of interpersonal conflicts and workplace stressors, allowing team members to work cohesively towards common goals.  

By prioritizing the well-being and happiness of their teams, organizations not only enhance productivity and innovation but also cultivate a culture of sustainability and long-term success in the software engineering field. 

At Buildable, we enjoy our work and make it a priority to build connections with our co-workers. We foster a collaborative environment where frequent gatherings allow us to get to know each other and engage in meaningful discussions spanning a wide range of topics (with a particular emphasis on all things tech-related, of course). 

We’ve discussed the basic building blocks for an ideal software team and have taken a closer look at the inner workings of that team. Join us next week for an interview with our own Founder and CTO, Max de Lavenne, who will provide us with some insights into his team building and management strategies.   

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